Let's Chat
Let’s Chat



Maximise the untapped potential of every brief

Stick in people’s minds

With out of the box thinking, we develop memorable concepts that will strike a chord with your audience.

Strong discovery

We deep dive to reveal hidden opportunities in every brief, coming at the problem from different angles.


think beyond boundaries

You're one click away from awesome

Let's Chat
What is ideation?

Ideation is the creative process of developing new ideas, then shaping these ideas into clever, creative content. It’s an essential part of the process and at Fox + Bear, creative ingenuity powers our ideation. We think beyond boundaries and develop creative that emotionally connects with your audience.

How do you facilitate ideation sessions at your creative agency?

At Fox + Bear we encourage a relaxed and open-minded atmosphere during ideation sessions. We also try to mix up the team and bring in people with diverse backgrounds and experiences to contribute fresh perspectives.

How do you incorporate client feedback into the ideation process?

Client input is crucial for refining and improving ideas – sometimes the smallest client insight can lead us to the biggest creative breakthrough. We make sure to gather feedback from at various stages of the ideation process and use it to iterate, as staying open minded can often lead us in new and exciting directions.

What if I already have an idea?

No problem! We’d love to collaborate, so drop us a line.