Infusing med-tech with authenticity
Looking to reinvent their social presence, we developed this 22-part Telly Award-winning global series. Shot in 10 countries across 12 languages, we featured the heart-warming stories of Cochlear's hearing implant recipients to showcase how better hearing can change your life.
Putting people at the centre
The emotion of each story revolves around the idea of following your passions, and, through detailed discovery and pre-interviews with all the recipients, we developed a unique angle for each story that positioned Cochlear's implant technology as the enabler; an impactful story-first approach.
The series saw us pick up "Best Campaign" and "Best Cinematography" Telly Awards – and while not an official award (*maybe just unofficial), the content has been used for years to uplift a vast array of projects. In essence, we created a bespoke stock library of Cochlear-specific footage, maximising ROI by giving the content more mileage.